How to get the Cawwot spell ( Cómo obtener el hechizo Cenowa) ATTENTION: You need to have 100 caWWots to receive the spell First you need to find this house in pos. [26,-8], then follow the way until the dar room. (about flute)
I am out! It became impossible to participate in wars with the new unfair system of allys, people became even more isolated and in this game, alone you can't do anything after lv 200 (which is complete idiocy from Ankama). To make matters worse, my friends who played with me all gave up, so I stopped too. Sorry. This game got cursed. Ah yes, there is still the ankama launcher problem. Every time I play, I need to install the launcher. In the end, Ankama is terrible and cannot take advantage of the good universe they've created.
Hello my loved people! The store is discounted on emotes and other stuff! I took the opportunity to buy the Eniripsa emote and even got a pet, a teapot.
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