Hello welcome to Vulkania How to find the Totens parts by Breadbun Hello! My name is Breadbun and I'm your guide for today. Let's start: First you will talk to this Man of culture in front of the Jurassic Park gate . [50,44]. He'll give to you the Totem quest (Crater of Admission) Head of totem - First map inside crater. [-55,39]. click on the cristal Body [-53,40] - click on that thing, right side of the house. Left Arm [-49,47] - go to [-49,45], and talk with shark and go to Pontomai. click on the flag Choose to go without paying. Don't feel sorry. He already receives payment from the city hall . Pontomai flag Right Arm - The same, but go to Vulfrog - shark [-54,38], and click on Vulfrog flag . . Left leg [-55,42] - Click on the tree. Righ leg go to [-48,40] - enter the house and click in the oranges. Take all parts to Matt Hemático [-50,44] and choose the last option Now you finnaly will tal...